Krowitz, Mary Jo

English for Professionals : A Teacher's Perspective / Mary Jo Krowitz - 137 páginas

1. An overview -- The affective side of language learning and teaching -- The influences that shape our attitudes toward teaching and learning -- The content of EFP classes -- Communicative abilities -- Some observations on the relationship between communication and language learning -- 2. Specifying goals -- The informtaion we need about our students -- Researching the special field -- 3. Errors --where do they come from? How important are thry? What can we do about them? -- The search for better solutions : A model for communication -- Error analysis -- 4. Class and homework activities -- Division of class time -- Management -- Communication activities -- Problem-solving activities -- Listening comprehension activities -- Feedback -- Homework and exercices -- 5. Problems, Problems -- The psychology of changing -- Our teaching behaviour -- Our student's language and language learning behaviour -- Logistic : managerial tasks -- Limitations and possibilities

Lenguaje y lenguas


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