Gutiérrez Sánchez, María Angélica,

Understanding the construction of teacher identity in english languages student teachers / María Angélica Gutiérrez Sánchez, Wilson Damián Hernández Varona ; Director Diego Fernando Macías Villegas , Datos electrónicos (1 archivos:1050 MG) - 1 CD-ROM (161 páginas); diagramas 12 cm.


Introduction – Research on teacher identity construction, rationale and statement of the problem, research questions, purposes and contributions of the study, structure and organization of study – Chapter 2 , Theoretical framework, construction of teacher identity, sociocultural perspective in teacher education, narrative as phenomenon in teacher identity construction – Chapter, literature review – Chapter 4, research design, research approach, setting and participants, researcher’s positionality, data collection, data analysis, analysis of narratives, narrative analysis, trustworthiness – Student teachers trajectories – Chapter 5 – Findings , the process of teacher identity construction for student teacher in an English teacher, education program, student teachers´ identity construction as a socially – construted narrative, setting, character, conflict ( preconceptions generating tensions), plot ( knowledge building and reflecting), time – framed dénouement (conceptual shifting), factors that promoted the construction of teacher identity in a English language, teacher education program – factors that promoted the construction of teacher identity in a English language, teacher education program – Teaching experiences in the construction of teacher identity, support from the teacher community in the construction of teacher identity, professor´s support, the support of practicum supervisors and cooperating teachers, peer support – The role of undergraduate courses in the construction of teacher identity , personality traits in shaping teacher identity, the role of reflection in the construction of teacher identity, factors that hindered the construction of teacher identity in a English language, teacher education program, teacher vocational dichotomy as and obstacle in the construction of teacher identity, target language proficiency as a hindrance in teacher identity construction, discussion and conclusions.

"Esta investigación narrativa tiene como objetivo estudiar cómo los estudiantes-practicantes construyen su identidad docente en un programa de formación docente en inglés. Así como los factores que favorecen y dificultan esta formación. Al analizar las narrativas escritas por los estudiantes-practicantes, sus narrativas orales y sus diarios de prácticas, los investigadores encontraron que la construcción de la identidad de los maestros implica un proceso continuo y su desarrollo es posible debido a las experiencias de enseñanza e interacciones sociales. Los resultados muestran que la construcción de la identidad docente comenzó con algunos conflictos que los estudiantes-practicantes se enfrentaron al momento de aprender a enseñar. Luego, esos conflictos se resolvieron cuando experimentaron el acto de enseñar e interactuaron con la comunidad de maestros, construyendo una nueva comprensión de su identidad docente y creando nuevas oportunidades para su desarrollo profesional."

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