1001 circuitos electrónicos prácticos : / Kendall Webster Sessions ; tr. Jesús Cabezón Zumel
by Kendall Webster Sessions [Autor] | Cabezón Zumel, Jesús [traducción]. Edition: 4 edición.Madrid : / Paraninfo , 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central [Call number: 621.38132 / K33m] (1).
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Amplificadores operacionales y circuitos integrados lineales Robert F. Coughlin, Frederick F. Discoll ; traductor. Efren Alatorre Miguel
by Coughlin, Robert F [Autor] | Driscoll, Frederick F. Edition: Cuarta EdiciónMéxico Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central [Call number: 621.3815 / C693] (1).
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An introduction to information theory : simbols, signals & noise / John R. Pierce
by Pierce, John R. Edition: 2ª ed. revisadaNew York : Dover, 1980 Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central [Call number: 003.54 / P427] (1).
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An Introduction to the Physics of Semiconductor Devices / David J. Roulston
by Roulston, David J. New York : Oxford University Press, 1999 Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central [Call number: 621.38152 / R859a] (2).
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Análisis y diseño de circuitos lógicos digitales / Víctor P. Nelson [y otros] ; Tr. Oscar Alfredo Palmas Velasco ; Rev. téc. Carlos Hernández Pérez
by Nelson, Victor P | Nagle, H. Troy | Carroll, Bill D | Irwin, J. David | Palmas Velasco, Oscar Alfredo [traductor] | Hernández Pérez, Carlos [ revisión técnica]. México : Prantice Hall Hispanoamericana, 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central [Call number: 621.3815 / A532a] (1).
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Antenas parabólicas de TV : Guía del instalador / Carlos Llena, Pedro Valls
by Llena, Carlos | Valls, Pedro. Barcelona : Marcombo Boixareu Editores, 1992 Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central [Call number: 621.38835 / L791a] (1).
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Antennas for all applications John Daniel Kraus, Ronald J. Markefka
by Kraus, John Daniel [autor] | Marhefka, Ronald J [autor] | Munk, Ben A [autor] | Lehto, Arto [autor] | Vainikainen, Pertti [autor] | Newoman, Edward H [autor] | Walker, Christopher. Edition: Tercera edición.Singapure McGraw Hill 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central [Call number: 621.3824 / K91a] (3).
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Biónica / por Martin Zeuch ; Eberhard Reimann , ilustrador ; Blanca Jiménez , traductora ; César A. Cardozo Tovar , editor
by Zeuch, Martin [autor] | Jiménez, Blanca | Reimann, Eberhard [ilustrador] | Cardozo Tovar, César A. ; editor [editor]. Bogotá - Colombia Panamericana Editorial ©2012Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central [Call number: 003.5 / Z62b] (1).
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Circuitos CMOS / R. M. Marston ; Tr. Roberto Mira Colomina
by Marston, R. M [autor] | Mira Colomina, Roberto [traductor]. Madrid : Paraninfo, 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central [Call number: 621.3815 / M374c] (1).
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Circuitos eléctricos y magnéticos / Marcelo A. Sobrevila
by Sobrevila, Marcelo A. Buenos Aires : Marymar, 1976 Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central [Call number: 621.3192 / S677c] (1).
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