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1. Métodos fundamentales de economía matemática / Alpha C. Chiang ; tr. Francisco Muñoz Murgui, Ramón Sala | Garrido ; Rev. téc. José Miguel Ponce Nuñez by Chiang, Alpha C. Publication: Madrid : McGraw-Hill, 1987 . 805 p. Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central Book Cart [330.1543 / C532m] (1),

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2. Métodos fundamentales de economía matemática by Chiang, Alpha C. Publication: México McGraw Hill 2006 . xix, 688 páginas 24 cm. Date: 2006 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central Book Cart [330.0151 / C532m] (4), Biblioteca Central [330.0151 / C532m] (1),

3. Métodos fundamentales de economía matemática by Chiang, Alpha C. Publication: México McGraw Hill 2006 . 688 páginas 23 cm. Date: 2006 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [330.1543 / C532m] (1),

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