English Reading Comprehension handbook for Petroleum Engineering : Teacher's Edition / Giovanni durán, Carlos Alcides Muñoz, Diego F. Macias, Javier Zapata. - 204 paginas. /

Libro del estudiante 171 paginas.

ABSTRACT : English Reading Comprehension Handbook for Petroleum Engineering is the result of a diagnosis ob- tained from several surveys administered ro students, graduates and English Teachers who belong or are related to the Petroleum Engineering Program in the Universidad Surcolombiana. Based on the data collected and further analyzed, we determined the objective for our project, The surveys also helped us regard other important as- pects which are in truth the core of our proposal. Such a proposal regards also aspects like authentic and non authentic written materials, their contents, their extent and complexity, the techniques and reading comprehen sion skills, and so forth. After eliciting the final and definite purpose our project is aimed at, we started collecting reading texts from some professors of the Petroleum Engineering teaching staff who also provided us pertinent guidance in or der to define the contents for this handbook. The reading passages that appear in the Handbook were carefully prepared bearing in mind the results obtained from a Testing Pilot Survey which sought to test some of the material already selected and which was answere by students from the program under research. As a consequence, this teaching matrerial becomes one of the first attempts carried out to enhance the lear- ning-teaching process at the Universidad Surcolombiana.


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