Shakespeare, William

Hamlet / William Shakespeare ; edited by Richard Abdrews and Rex Gibson - First published - 268 pages ; 23 cm. - Cambridge School .

Hamlet -- The world of Elsinore -- The character of Hamlet -- Revenge tragedy -- Madness and melancholia -- Sin and salvation -- The language of Hamlet -- Theatre and acting in Hamlet -- William Shakespeare --

The King of Denmark (Hamlet's father) has been assassinated by his brother Claudius, who has usurped the throne and married, without respecting customs, the monarch's widow and Hamlet's mother, Gertrude. All this has already happened at the beginning of the play, causing the natural consternation in Hamlet, who ignores the scope of the intrigue that ended with his father. But the ghost of the deceased king appears to Hamlet on the wall of Elsinore castle, tells his son the circumstances of the crime and asks for revenge. Hamlet promises to obey, but his melancholy nature makes him irresolute and forces him to defer action. Meanwhile he feigns madness to avoid suspicion that he threatens the king's life; it is believed that his mind has been disturbed by the love of Ophelia, daughter of the chamberlain Polonius, whom, having previously courted her, he now treats cruelly.
El rey de Dinamarca (padre de Hamlet) ha sido asesinado por su hermano Claudio, que ha usurpado el trono y se ha casado, sin respetar las costumbres, con la viuda del monarca y madre de Hamlet, Gertrudis. Todo ello ya ha ocurrido al empezar la obra, causando la natural consternación en Hamlet, que ignora el alcance de la intriga que acabó con su padre. Pero el espectro del difunto rey se aparece a Hamlet en la muralla del castillo de Elsinore, refiere a su hijo las circunstancias del delito y le pide venganza. Hamlet promete obedecer, pero su naturaleza melancólica lo hace irresoluto y lo obliga a diferir la acción. Mientras tanto se finge loco para evitar la sospecha de que amenace la vida del rey; se cree que ha turbado su mente el amor de Ofelia, hija del chambelán Polonio, a la que, habiéndola cortejado anteriormente, trata ahora con crueldad. -- Tomado sitio web


Literatura inglesa
Teatro inglés--Siglo XVII
English theater--XVII century

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