Puchta , Herbert

Teaching teenagers : Model activity sequences for humanistic language learning / Herbert Puchta - 135 p. - Piligrims Longman Resource Books .

UNIT 1 : Young people and pets / Teaching communicatively in a traditional class UNIT 2 : Nightmare / Students in their way to cooperative learning UNIT 3 : Pressure / An unusual and powerful way to text reception and production UNIT 4 : Housework / Developing a listening comprehension exercise into a real language encounter UNIT 5 : Class contract / A class and their teacher decide on their own ground rules UNIT 6 : Feelings / Developing awareness about emotions and empathy with others UNIT 7 . Poetry alive / Stimulating interaction, creativity and depth UNIT 8 : The theatre of the absurd / Creating an undersatnding of absurdity - in everyday life and on stage UNIT 9 : Text workshop with CALL / First steps into the world of word processing

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