Language and understanding / Editado por : Gillian Brown, Kirsten Malkmkjaer, Alastair Pollitt, John Williams - 208 p. - Oxford applied linguistics .

1. Modes of understanding by Gillian Brown 2. Understanding, languag, and educational processes by Christopher Brumfit 3. Relevance and understanding by Deirdre Wilson 4. Syntactic clues to understanding by Keith Brown 5. Understanding words by Jean Aitchison 6. Psychological processes and understanding by Alan Graham 7. Towards en explanation of second language acquisition by Ellen Bialystok 8. Comprehension testing, or can understanding be measured? by Bernard Spolsky 9. Spciolinguistics and second language learning by Lesley Milroy 10. Understanding texts: point of view by Michael Short


Lenguaje y lenguas
Ingles--linguistica aplicada

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