Nova serie boletim da Sociedad Brasileira de Matemática - Vol. 21, No.1 ( Oct.,1990 ) ; 120 p.

Dynamics of complexity of Intersections / V.I. Arnold.-- Some arithmetic properties of Weierstrass Points : Hyperelliptic Curves / Joseph H. Silverman.-- Difference equations with delays depending on time / C. E. de Avellar.-- Differentiability of the minimal average action as a function of the rotation number/ John N Mather.-- A characterization of Herings Plane of Order 27 / Oscar E Barriga.-- On the cohomology of one dimensional foliated manifolds / Plácido Andrade.-- Primitive points on constant elliptic curves over function fields / J.F. Voloch.-- On the holonomy group associated with analytic continuations of solutions for integrable systems / Hidekazu Ito.




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