American journal of physics - Vol. 50 no. 11 (Nov-1982) ; 98p.

Some remarks on Faraday¨s law / Nathan Rosen - How does the ball-chain work? / F. Herrmann - Einstein coefficients, cross sections, f values, dipole moments, and all that / Robert C. Hilborn - Re-examination of the 1887 Michelson-Morley experiment / M.A. Handschy - Fourier transforms and the use of a microcomputer in the advanced undergraduate laboratory / D.R. Matthys - New correlator-photon counter to illustrate the fundamnetals of light statistics / L.Basano - Motion in a time- dependent, uniform electric field / S. Fallieros - Experiences with the artificial kidney aas laboratory excercise for stedents of medicine / W. Ambach - Force measurement and force transformation in special relativity / Roberto de A. Martins - Different concepts of ray in optics: link between resolving power and radiometry / Jan J. Koenderink - Stimulated emission, absorption, and interference / Melissa Cray - Thermal window interferometer / Joe L. Ferguson - The effect of gravity on the velocity of sound D.C. Agrawal - Forced vibration of strings / H.L Armstrong - Time-domain analysis of acoustic transmission by dense thin films / L. Dwynn Lafleuc, John J. Matese, Ronald L. Spross - Pressure fluctuations in statistical physics / John R. Ray - Exact analytical stochastic model for first-order non- equilibrium phase transitions / D.L. Weaver - Relativistic addition of velocities / Y.Takahashi - Electromagnetic waves in a plasma containing both electric charges and magnetic monopoles / N. Meyer-Vernet - Convection jets, the slot fire, and fire, and fire safety / Lawrence Cranberg - Generalized Ohm´s law, potential difference, and voltage measurements / Lawrence Cranberg F. Reif - Erratum: Influence of air drag on the optimal hand launching of a small, round projectile / J. A. Zufiria, J. R. Sanmartín - Inexpensive octave-band filters for laboratory and demonstration experiments in acoustics / Thomas D. Rossign - Display of interference in highly convergent linearly polarized white light / G.R. Davies.




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