American journal of physics - Vol. 50, No. 1 ( Enero ., 1982 ) ; 45 p.

Phenomenology and logical reasoning in introductory physics courses / A.B.Arons.-- Momentum propagation by traveling waves on a string / Reuben Benumof.-- Group theoretic approach to the Schwarzschild solution / J.M.Wilkes, J.D.Zund.-- Effect of the continuum states in seccond order perturbation theory : An example/ M.Coronado y otros.-- Science and society test VI : Energy economics / David W.Hafemeister.-- Advanced undergraduate laboratory experiment in inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy / H.W.White, R.J.Graves.-- Off the mass shell scattering amplitude in a two particle potencial model / F.A.B. Coutinho.-- Quantum mechanical scattering in two dimensions / I. Richard Lapidus.-- Advaned laboratory NMR séctrp,eter with applications / Clovis Biscegli y otros.-- Magnetic and electric fields of rotating charge distributions / James S. Marsh.-- Approximate energy levels and sizes of bound quantum systems / H.A.Gersch, C.H.Braden.-- Influence of air drag on the optimal hand launching of a small, round projectile / J. A. Zufiria, J.R. Sanmartín.-- Bohm Aharonov effect : The quantum mechanics of the electrical transformer / M. Danos.-- Students`preconceptions in introductory mechanics / John Clement.-- Fundamentals of zoological scaling / Herbert Lin.-- Regression line analysis / K.S. Krane, L. Schecter.-- Indution transducer for recording the velocity of a glider on a air trak / P. Rochon, N. Gauthier.-- General relativistic trajectories using small computers / Susan K. Graves.-- Powder diffraction patterns on Tel-X-Ometer 80 / Peter Russo.-- Observing the t Feinberg.




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