Atheortua Marulanda, Oscar Emilio

The use of compensations strategies to improve the oral production in students of eleventh grade / Oscar Emilio Atheortua Marulanda - 148 p. : il. cuadros, figuras

Tesis (Magíster en Didáctica del Inglés) -- Convenio Universidad de Caldas, Facultad de Artes y Humanidades Universidad Surcolombiana, Facultad de Educación. Maestría en Didáctica del Inglés, 2010

Theoretical framework -- Theories supporting the research -- Research methodology -- Findings and results -- Diagnostic stage findings -- Action and evaluation stage findings -- Evaluation stage findings -- Summary of findings -- Findings in the students´performance in the institucional events -- Researcher´s strategies implemented in the intervention -- Conclusions -- The institutional impact -- Bibliography -- Appendixes

Didactica del ingles

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