Berger, Marcel

Geometría I y II / Marcel Berger ; Tr. del Francés M. Cole y S. Levy - 2 vol. : il. ; 21 cm.

Volumen I : Notation and background -- Group actions: examples and applications -- Affine spaces -- Barycenters: the universal space -- Projective spaces -- Affine-projective relationship: applications -- Projective lines, cross-ratios, homographies -- Complexifications -- Euclidean vector spaces -- Euclidean affine spaces -- Triangles, spheres and circles -- Convex sets -- Bibliography -- Volumen II: Polytopes; compact convex sets -- Quadratic forms -- Projective quadrics -- Projective conics -- Euclidean conics -- The sphere for its own sake -- Elliptic and hyperbolic geometry -- The space of spheres -- Bibliography --

3-540-11658-3 -- 0-387-11658-3


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