Principles of addiction medicine / senior editor Richard K. Ries, Shannon C. Miller ; associate editors David A. Fiellin, Richard Saitz - 4ª ed. - xxix, 1570 p. : tres colores ; 28 x 21.5 cm.

Basic science and core concepts -- Dreug Addiction: The Neurobiology of Behavior Gone Awry -- The epidemiology of Substance Use Disorders -- The Anatomy of Addiction -- From Neurobiology to Treatment: Progress Against Addiction -- Understanding Behavioral Addiction: Insights from Research -- Pharmacology -- Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Principles -- The Pharmacology of Alcohol -- The Pharmacology of Nanalcohol Sedative Hypnotics -- FHB -- The Pharmacology of Long-Acting as Contrasted with Shor-Acting Opiods The pharmacology of Coacine, Amphetamines, and Other Stimulants -- The Pharmacology of Caffeine -- The Pharmacology of Nicotine and Tobacco -- The Pharmacology of Cannabinoids -- The Pharmacology of Classical Hallucinogens and Related Designer Drugs -- The Pharmacology of Dissociatives -- The Pharmacology of Inhalants The Pharmacology of Anabolic Androgenis Streroids -- Diagnosis, Assessment and Early Intervention -- Screening and Brief Intervention -- Screening and Bref Intervention for Pregnant Women -- Trauma Centers, Hosapitals, Emergency Departaments -- Implementation of Screening and Brief Intervention in Clinical Settings Using Quality Improvement Pinciples -- Screning for Alcoholism and Other Drug Abuse in the Elderly -- Laboratory Diagnosis -- Assessment -- Environmental Approaches to Prevention -- Overview of Addiction Treatment -- Addiction Medicine in America: Its Birth and Early History (1750-1935) with A Modern Postscript Treatment of Heavy Drinking and Alcohol Use Disorders -- The Treatment of Drug Addiction: And Overview -- Integrating Evidence-Bassed Components into a Functional Continuum of Addiction Care -- Effects of Treatment Setting, Duration, and Amount on Patiente Outcomes -- The ASAM Placement Criteria and Matching Patients to Treatment -- Linking Addiction Treatment with Other Medical and Psychiatric Treatment Systems -- Alternative Therapies for Alcohol and Drug Addiction -- The Harm Reduction Approach to Preention and Treatment -- Quality Improvement for Addiction Treatment -- International Perspective on Addiction Management -- Special Issues in Addicion Medicine -- Nonmedical Use of Prescription Medications -- Special Issues in Treatment: Women -- Treatment of Older Adults -- Cultural Issues in Adicction -- College Student Drinking -- Pathologic Gambring: Clinical Charactertistics and Treatment -- Sexual Adicction -- Physician Health Programs adn Addiction Among Physicians -- Management of Intoxication and Withdrawal -- Management of Alcohol Intoxication and Withdrwal -- Management of Sedative-Hypnotic Intoxication and Withdrawal -- Management of Opioid Intoxication and Withdrawal -- Ultrarapid Opiate Detoxification -- Management of Stimulant, Hallucinogen, Marijuana, Phencyclidine, and Club Drug Intoxication and Withdrawal -- Pharmacology Interventions -- Medications for Use in Alcohol Rehabilitation -- Pharmacologic Interventions for Sedative-Hypnotic Addiction -- Pharmacologic Interventions for Opioid Dependence -- Opioid Maintenance Treatment -- Special Issues in Office-Based Opioid Treatment -- Pharmacologic Interventions for Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and Other Stimulant Addiction -- Pharmacology Intervention for Tobacco Dependence -- Pharmacology Intervention for Other Drug and Multiple Drug Addictions -- Behavioral Interventions -- Enhancing Motivation to Change -- Grup Therapies -- Individual Psychotherapy -- Contingency Management and the Community Reinforcement Approach -- Behavioral Interventions in Smoking Cessation -- Network Therapy -- Therapeutic Communities -- Overview of Therapeutic Community Outcome Research -- Aversion Therapies -- Family Involvement in Addiction, Treatment and Recovery -- Twelve Strep Facilitation Approaches -- Microprocessor Abuse and Internet Addiction -- Relapse Prevention: Clinical Models and Intervention Strategies -- Integrating Pharmacological and Behavioral Treatments -- Mutual Help, Twelve Strep, and Other Recovery Programs -- Recent Research into Twelve Strep Programs -- Spirituality in the Revoery Process -- Medical Disorders and Complications of Addiction -- Medical and Surgical Complications of Addiction -- Cardiovascular Consequences of Alcohol and Other drug -- Liver Disorders Related no Alcohol and Other Drug Use -- Renal and Metabolic Disorders Related to alcohol and Other Drug Use -- Gastrointestinal Disorders Related to Alcohol and Other Drug Use -- Respiratory Tract Disorders Related to alcohol and Other Drug Use -- Neurologic Disordern Related to Alcohol and Other Drug Use -- HIV, TB, and Other Infectious Diseases Related to Alcohol and Other Drug Use -- Sleep Disorders Related to Alcohol and Other Drug Use -- Traumatic Injuries Related to Alcohol and Other Drug Use -- Endocrine and Reproductive Disorders Related to Alcohol and Other drug use -- Alcohol and Other Drug Use Drugin Pregnancy: Management of the Mother and Child Surgical interventions in The alcohol or drug using patient -- Co-occuring Addiction and psychiatric Disorders -- Substancde-Unduced Mental Disorders -- Co-occurring Addiction and Affective Disorders -- Co-occuring Addiction and Anxiety Disorders -- Co-ocurring Addiction and Psychotic Disorders -- Co-occuring Addiction and Attention Deficit/Hyperativity Disorder -- Co-occuring Addiction and Borderline Personality Disorder -- Integrating Psychosocial Services with Pharmacotherapies in the Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders -- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use Disorder Comorbidity -- Co-occuring Addiction and Eeating Disorders -- Pain and Addiction -- The Neurophysiology of Pain and Interfaces With Addiction -- Psychological Issues in the Management of Pain -- Monopioid treatments in the Management of Pain -- Opioid Thrapy of Pain -- Leal and Regulatory Considerations in Pain Management -- Children and Adolescents -- Adolescents' attitudes Toward Alcohol and Other Drugs -- Preventing Substance Abue among Children and Adolescents -- Adoelscent Risk and Protective Factors: Psychosocial -- Neurobiology of Addiction from a Development Perspective -- Adolescent Cigarrette Smoking -- Screening and Brief Intervention for Adolescents Assessing Adolescents Substance use -- Adolescent Treatment and Realpse Prevention -- Placement Criteria and Strategies for Adoelscent Treatment Marching -- Confidentiality in Dealing with Adoelscents -- Drug Testing Adolescents in School -- Co-occuring Psychiatric Disorders in Adolescents -- Ethical, Legal, and Liability Issues in Addiction Practice -- Ethical Issues in Addiction Practice -- Consent and Confidentiality in Addiction Practice -- Clinical and legal consideations in Prescribing Drugs with Abuse Potential -- Clinical and Legal Considerations in Drug Testing -- Workplace Drug Testing and the Role of the Medical Review Officer -- Drug Court and the Treatment of Incarcerated Populations -- Therapeutic Jurisprudence -- Appendices ASAM Addiction Terminology -- Screening Instruments -- Crosswalks of the ASAM Patient Placement Criteria, Second Editiom Revisedd, (ASAM PPC-2R) -- Summary of the DSM Diagnostic Criteria -- Summary of the ICD-10 Diagnostic Criteria -- Federal Schedules of Controlled Drugs -- Index --

9780781774772 -- 978-0-7817-7477-2 -- 0-7817-7477-2

Abuso de substancias--tratamiento
Desordenes relacionados a sustancias--complicaciones
Desordenes relacionados a sustancia--diagnosis
Desordenes relacionados a sustancias--terapia
Drogas--efectos fisiológicos

616.86 / P957p

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