Allergy : principles and practice / edited by Elliott Middleton, Jr. ... [et al.] - 3ª ed. - xvii, 1597 p. + 66 index en 2 tomos : 596 ilustraciones ; 28 x 22 cm.

Vol. 1 - Basic science -- Inmunology -- The inmune system: an overview -- Inmunoglobulin structure and function -- Regulation of the inmmune response -- Control of IgE synthesis -- Mechanisms of IgE-mediated hypersensitivity -- Immunogenetics of allergic disease -- Biology of mast cells and basophils -- Mediators of immediate hypersensitiviy -- Arachidonic acid-derived mediators of hypersensitivity and inflammation -- Eosinophils: biochemical and cellular aspects -- Immunology of the skin -- Late-phase allergic reactions -- Effector and regulatory mechanisms in delayed-tyupe hypersensitivity -- Hypersensitivity granulomas -- Immunologic deficiency and allergic disease -- Aerobiology and inhlant allergens -- Allerginic extracts -- Methods in laboratory immunology: principles and interpretation of laboratory tests for allergy -- In vitro methods for study of allergy: skin tests, techniques, and interpretation -- In vitro methods for study of allergy: mucosal tests, techniques, and interpretation -- Physiology -- The autonomic nervous system: structure, function, and altered effector responses -- Smooth muscle physilogy and pharmacology -- Smoth muscle physiology and pharmacology -- Pumonary structure and physiologic measurements -- Airway mucus and the mucociliary system -- Aerosols: generation, methods of administration, and therapeutic applications in astrma The anatomy and physiology of the upper airway -- Structure and function of the skin -- Pharmacology -- Priciploes of theraputics -- Adrenergic agents -- Theophylline -- Antihistamines -- Glucocorticosteroids: ther mechamnisms of action and use in allergic diseases -- Cromolyn -- Anticholinergic drugs -- Vol. 2 - Clinical science -- Cell-mediated immunity in health and disease -- Immune complexes and allergic disease -- Clinical signifcante of IgE -- Eosinophilia and eosinophil-related disorders -- Epidemiology and natural history of asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis (eczema) -- Development and prevention of allergic disease in childhood -- Asthma: definition and pathogenesis -- Airway hyperresponsiveness to methacloline or histamine in asthma: mechanisms -- Pathology of asthma -- Asthma: airway dynamics, cariac function, and clinical correlates -- Asthma in infancy and childhood -- Asthms in adults: diagnosis and treatment -- The course and management of ashma and allergic diseases during prenancy -- Exercise.induced asthima -- Ashtma: psychiatric considerations, evaluation, and management -- Occupational asthma -- Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergilosis -- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis -- Allergic and nonallergic rhinitis -- Nasal polyps and sinusitis -- Otitis media -- Inmunotherapy of aeroallergen disease -- Insect allergy -- Anaphylaxis -- Uricaria and angioedema -- Atopic dermatitis -- Contact skin allergy -- Ocular allergy -- Adverse reations to foods -- Adverse reations to vacciones -- Drug allergy -- Aspirin sensitivity: respiratory and cutaneous manifestaions -- Adverse reactions to sulfites -- Unproven diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for allergy


Sistema inmunológico

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