Haymaker, Webb

Atlas of neuropathology / Webb Haymaker, Karl T. Neubuerger, W. W. Hurtean ; il. Photographic department othe Army Institute of Pathology - 100 portaobjetos para microscopio

Ganglion cell changes in a senile brain -- Agenthophil plaques in a senile brain -- Aszheimer's disease -- Pick's disease -- Pertussi encephalopathy -- Spongioblastoma polare -- General paresis --Ecenphalomalacia (early stage) -- Cerebral and meningeal changes following sagittal sinus thrombosis -- No slide -- Cellular response several weeks after cerebral hemorrhage -- Arteriolar sclerosis with perivascular hemorrhages -- Cerebral lacunas (état lacunaire du cerveau) -- Recent cortical necrosis -- Early ischemic changes in the hippocampus in a case of apoplexy -- Ischemic necrosis of brain -- Old cerebral softening with cystic transformation -- Verrucous atrophy of the cerebral cortex -- Traumatic oftening of the brain, of ten days' duration -- Fat embolism of the brain -- Thrombosis of leptomeningeal vein secondary to thrombosis of the sagittal sinus -- Carbon monoxide poisoning -- Acute meningitis -- General paresis (treated) General paresis (untreated) -- Focal embolic encephalitis and meningitis complicating subacute bacterial endocarditis -- Brain abscess -- Meningitis in syphilitic infant -- Perivenous ecephalitis -- Midbrain in epidemic encephalitis -- Arterial thrombosis -- Tuberculous meningitis -- Tuberculoma -- The mamillary body in chronic alcoholism -- The globus pallidus in crbon monoxide poisoning -- The cerebellum in Wilson-pseudosclerosis -- Cerebral cortex in Huntington's chorea-- Hippocampal formation in a case of epilepsy -- The cerebral cortex in schizophreina The hippocampal formation in schizophrenia (after insulin therapy) -- Tuberous sclerosis (epiloia) -- Leukemic aggregates in the brain -- Microgyria -- Tuberous selerois (epiloia) -- Subacute combined deeneration of the spinal cord -- Tabes dorsalis -- Amaurotic family idiocy -- Delayed traumatic apoplexy -- Metastatic bronchogenic carcinoma of the brain -- Melanomatosis of the meninges associated with amelanotic cutaneous and cerebral tumors -- Chronic subdural hematoma -- pachymeningitis hemorrhagica interna -- Meningitis, probably Gliobalstoma multiforme of the brain -- Chromophobe adenoma of the hypophysis -- Peripheral neuritis -- formation -- Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord -- Hydrocephalus -- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis -- The temporal cotex and hippocampal formation in a case of acute yellow atrophy of the liver -- Polyomyelitis -- Recurrent glioma -- Oligodendroglioma -- Astrocytoma (predominantly fibrillar) -- Astrocytoma diffusum -- Astrocytoma, pilocytic type -- Glioma, probable ependymoma -- Pinealoma -- Hamagioblastoma of the cerebellum -- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis -- The brain in a case of eclempsis of pregnancy -- Medulloblastoma -- Cortical necrosis in arteriosclerosis -- Glioblastoma multiforme -- The cerebral cortex in a case of linghtning stroke -- Etat vermoulu in cerebral arteriosclerosis -- Fibrino-purulent spinal meningitis -- Acute meningo-encephalitis -- Disseminated sclerosis --


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