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Health effects of interactions between tobacco use and exposure to other agents / IPCS - International Programme on Chemical Safety ; prepared by Dr. K. Rothwell - xx, 149 p. ; 21 x 14 cm. - Environmental Health Criteria 211 .

Overview -- Exposure to tobacco products and health risks from tobacco use -- Effects on health of tobacco use and exposure to other chemicals -- Effects of exposure to tobacco smoke and other agents: separate effects or possible interactions -- Conclusions and recomendations -- Further research -- References -- Synopsis -- Panorama general --

92 4 157211 6


Tabaco--efectos adversos
Tabaco--efectos nocivos
Fumar--efectos adversos
Fumar--efectos nocivos
Exposición ambiental
Exposicion ocupacional
Gravamen de riesgo
Medición de riesgos
Pruebas de toxicidad

615.902 / Ehc211

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