Frequently asked clinical questions about medical abortion : conclusions of an International Consensus Conference on Medical Abortion in early first trimestre, Bellagio, Italy - 35 p. ; 21 x 15 cm.

Pre-abortion care -- What couynselling is needed by a woman with an unwanted pregnancy who is contemplating abortion? -- What factors should be taken into account when counselling a woman about her choice between medical and surgical abortion? -- What are the contraindications to medical abortion? -- Do any other characteristics of the woman need to be taken into account in providing medical abortion? -- How should pregnancy be confirmed ant gestation estimated? -- What clinical assessment an laboratory investigations are required prior to medical abortion? -- What steps are necessary to minimize the risk of undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy? -- Regimen for medical abortion -- What is the recommended regimen for medical abortion? -- Are other doses of mifepristone possible? -- Are other doses or routes of administration of the prostaglandin possible? -- What are the advantages and disadvantages of misoprostol versus gemeprost? -- Can other prostaglandins be used? -- Is the interval between administration of mifepristone and prostaglandin crucial? Can abortion Be Induced using prostaglandin alone? -- What pain relief should Be available to women during medical abortion? -- Postabortion care -- If a woman has an incomplete abortion, is it necessary to evacuate the uterus surgically? -- How should pelvic infection be diagnosed and treated after abortion? -- How should the success of medical abortion be confirmed? -- How should ectopic pregnancy be identified after medical abortion? -- Is there a risk of fetal anormality after an unsuccessful medical abortion? -- Which methodos of contraception can a woman use after medical abortion? -- Issues related to provision of medical abortion services -- Legal and regulatory issues -- Setting up a medical abortion service -- Obtaining the necessary medicines -- Annex --

On 1-5 November 2004, in Bellagio, Italy, the UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP), organized a meeting entitled International Consensus Conference on Non-surgical (Medical) Abortion in Early First Trimester on Issues Related to Regimens and Service Delivery (Annex 1). This document is the result of the deliberations of the participants in that meeting, who included highly experienced researchers and clinicians in the area of medical abortion.--Background.

92 4 159484 5 -- 978 92 4 159484 4

Aborto inducido--métodos
Agentes abortivos
Servicios de la planificación familiar
Planificación familiar y reproducción humana

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