JPT : Journal of petroleum technology - Vol. 40, No. 12 (Dec. 1988) ; p. 1527-1660

An overview of waterflood surveillance and monitoring / A.W. Talasch -- Improved core recovery in laminated sand and shale sequences / F.R. Bradburn -- Sulfur solubility in sour gas / E. Brunner -- Polycrystalline diamond: manufacture, wear mechanisms, and implications for bit design / M.V. Sneddon -- Relief-well requirements to kill a high-rate gas blowout from a deepwater reservoir / R.A. Warriner -- Dynamic aspects of offshore riser and mooring concepts / H.J.J. van den Boom -- Discussion of a new approach to the hyperbolic curve / B.G. Kelkar -- Author's reply to discussion of a new approach to the hyperbolic curve / D.R. Long -- Index of papers published in 1988.


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