JPT : Journal of petroleum technology - Vol. 40. No. 11 (Nov. 1988) ; p. 1405-1524

Drilling fluids and reserve pit toxicity / A.J.J. Leuterman -- Horizontal drilling techniques at prudhoe bay, Alaska / J.P. Wilkirson -- Criteria for gas-lift stability / H. Asheim -- Production characteristics and economics of the Denver julesburg basin codell/niobrara play / J.D. Wright -- Waterflooding a thick, heterogeneous reservoir in the Los Angeles basin: a case history / A.R. Parsons -- Material compatibility and systems considerations in thermal EOR environments containing high-pressure oxygen / R. Zawierucha -- Tracer-placement techniques for improved radioactive-tracer logging / A.D. Hill -- A dynamic multiwell data base / A.F. Abed -- Significance of regulatory constraints on the operation of packerless waste injection wells / K.I. Kamath -- Discussion of new type of drilling contract minimizes well costs by guaranteeing perfor Dismukes.


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