JPT : Journal of petroleum technology - Vol. 37, No. 1 (Jan. 1985) ; 184 p.

Sea ice forces and the state of technology of offshore arctic platforms / M.E. Utt -- Fracturing in chalk completions / R. Hartley -- Successful field applications of CO2-foam fracturing fluids in the Arkansas-Louisiana-Texas Región / W.E. Warnock -- The effect of foam on surface kinetics in fracture acidizing / W.G.F. Ford -- New proppant for deep hydraulic fracturing / K. Das -- Stratton field, Texas Gulf Coast: a successful cased-hole re-evaluation of an old field to determine remaining reserves and to increase production level / T.E. Libson -- Design, fabrication, hookup, and commissioning of North Cormorant topside facilities / T.M.G. Cloughley -- Major oil spill response coordination in the combat of spills in bahrain waters / D.J.S. Brown --New base oil used in low-toxicity oil muds / P.A. Boyd -- Interpretation of pressure buildup test using in-situ measurement of afterflow / D. Meunier -- Competing for gas sales in a fluctuating market / A.M. Derrick -- Coal as a conventional source of methane: review and analysis of a 31-well production area in the Mary Lee Coal Seam, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama / B.W. Dunn -- A gravity override model of steamdrive / C.H. Neuman.


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