JPT : Journal of petroleum technology - (Dec. 1977) ; p. 1515-1705

Technology summary / J.G. Richardson -- The charco redondo thermal recovery pilot / R.H. Widmyer -- Accelerated blowdown of a strong water-drive gas reservoir / J.L. Lutes -- Theory and practice of the closed-chamber drillsten test method / L.G. Alexander -- A mathematical model of the hawkins woodbine reservoir / W. John Lee -- How well logs were used to improve evaluation of a gas storage project / J.M. Hawkins -- Designing a steamflood pilot in the thick monarch sand of the midway-sunset field / E.E. Gomaa -- JPT Forum: Scheduling a blacklog of oilwell-drive reservoirs / Anil Kumar -- Injection profile effects caused by gravity segregation in the wellbore / K.C. Hong -- Seeking a solution to sand control / J.L. Durrett -- Drainage areas for wells in edge water-drive reservoirs / Anil Kumar.


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