JPT : Journal of petroleum technology - (Abr. 1973) ; p. 365- 514

A vessel for offshore construction in heavy seas / Yoram Goren -- Exploration and development of a new petroleum province Java Sea, Indonesia / H.J. Ramsay -- Operation and performance of the slocum field thermal recovery project / A.L. Hall -- Bridging the information gap between operations and engineering / C.L. Dunham Optimization of gas field operations / P.M. O'Dell -- Clarifying oilfield and refinery waste waters by gas flotation / M.M. Ellis -- Long-term wave probabilities based on hindcasting of severe storms / H.O. Jahns -- Lateral load capacity of piles in offshore structures / J.G. Wolters -- Effects of metal thickness and temperature on casing and tubing design for deep, sour wells / J. Brison Greer.


Construccion mar abierta
Exploracion petrolera--mar de java
Recuperacion termica--operacion y rendimiento
Operacion e ingenieria (petroleos)
Operacion de campos de gas--optimizacion
Campos petroleros --Métodos de producción

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