Davydov, A. S.

Quantum mechanics / A. S. Davydov - 2 edicion. - Volumen.1 -- 637 paginas - International series in natural philosophy volume 1 .

The basic concepts of quantum mechanics -- Change of quantum mechanics -- Change of quantum mechanics --Change of Quantum states in time -- The connexion between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics -- The simplest applications of quantum mechanics -- Elementary representation theory -- The mottion of a particicle in a central field of force -- Aproximate methods for evaluating eigenvalues and eigenfunctions -- The foundations of a quasi-relativistic quantum theory of the motion of a particle in a external field -- Quantum theory of systems consisting of identical particles -- Second quantisation of sitems of identical bosons --Second quantisation of systems of identical fermions -- The theory of quantum transitions under the influence an external perturbation -- Quantium theory of relaxation processes - Quantum theory of scattering Elementay theory of molecules and chemical bonds -- Mathematical appendices-


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Teoria cuantica

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