Production operations course III : well stimulation / John L. Gidely ... y otros - 168 p. ; 29 cm.

Acid types and the chemestry of their reactions -- Acid systems and considerations in their selection -- Stoichiometry of acid carbonate reactions -- Equilibrim acid-carbonate reactions -- Stoichiometry of acid-sandstone reactions -- Equilibrim in acid-sandstone reactions -- Fundamentals of carbonate acidizing -- Classification and origin of carbonates -- Types of acid simulation treatments -- Acid reaction of carbonates Matrix acidizing -- general discussion -- Acids used in Matrix treatments -- selection of Matrix acidizing candidates -- Desing of a matrix treatment -- Sample desing of a matrix treatment -- Acid fracturing -- Response to fracturing treatment -- Model for the acid fracturing process -- Treatment design -- Sandstone acidizing -- chemestry of mud acid reaction -- Mechanics of acid attack -- Factors affecting rate of reaction Estimating acid volumes for effective Stimulation -- Limitations on volume of acid employed -- Emulsion problems that may occur in mud acid treatment -- Acid-mutual solvent method -- Recent field observations -- Discussion of field results -- Recent progress in sandstone acidizing --

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622.3382 / S678p / Vol. 3

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