Muskat, M.

The flow of homogeneous fluids through porous media Flujo de fluidos homogéneos a través de medios porosos / M. Muskat - 763 p. ; 22 cm.

Foundations -- Darcy´s law and the measurement of the permeability of porous media -- Hydrodinamical equations for the flow fluids thorough porus media -- Steady-state flow of liquids -- Two-dimensional flow problems and potential-theory methods -- Three-dimensional problems -- Gravity-flow systems -- Systems of nonuniform permeability -- Two-fluid systems -- Multiple-well systems -- The nonsteady-state flow of liquids The flow of compressible liquids Through porous Media -- The flow of gases Through porous Media -- The flow of gases through porous media --


Fluidos del petroleo
Pozos petroleros--composicion

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