González V., Martha Gabriela

Reading comprehensión adapted material for ninth graders / Martha Gabriela González V., Milton Edmundo Fonseca S. - 2 t.

Tesis (Especialización en Didáctica del Inglés) -- Universidad Surcolombiana. Facultad de Educación, 2000

Tomo 1 :Introduction -- Justification -- Objetives general and specific -- Research question -- Theoretical framework -- Learning theories -- Languaje theories -- Reading comprehensión -- The reading process -- Reader's factors -- The role of the teacher -- Reasons for reading -- Reading strategies -- Types of text - - Methodology -- Design -- Instruments -- Procedures -- Results and analysis -- Conclusions -- Bibliography. -- Tomo 2 : reading units

Didactica del ingles

Th EDI 0005 / G643r

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