Polo Ledezma, Reynaldo Emilio

English by the journals: for nurses and doctors / Emilio Polo Ledezma - 67 p. ; 24 x 17 cm. - Scientific Popular Handbook Series .

The body -- Weights and measures -- Magnitudes and basic units of the I.U.S. -- Prefixes o form multiples and submultiples -- The meals -- El alcoholismo -- The nutrition -- Lactancia infantil -- Bioenergetics -- Radicales libres de oxígeno -- The street rambler foods. Rapid meals -- Comidas callejeras ¿base de una buena alimentación? -- Carbohidratos -- Grasas -- Sal -- Vegetarianism -- El vegetarianismo -- The obesity -- The dopping -- The aging -- Radicales libres y envejecimiento -- The menstruation -- Anticonceptivos químicos -- The menopausia -- Sildenafil - viagra - He bue diamond shaped pill -- Emotional wellbeing and its relation to health -- The chronic disease -- Hearing loss -- Depression -- Suicidio -- Confusión -- Health care in Colombia -- The Internet -- Med-line -- Te curriculum change -- Importancia de los hospiales en la salud -- Tips from the doctors and patients'relation ships -- La relación médico paciente -- The tv novel's news -- The hippocratic oath -- The good old days -- La tecnología médica y el médico -- The mlecular genetics -- The P.D.E.Fs -- The quackery -- Homeopatia vs. medicina -- Regulation of firearms -- Homicidio -- Theories in heal health care --

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